Manual Farmacéutico

by Alfa Beta Sistemas SA



Pharmaceutical Manual, developed by GRUPO ALFA BETA, contains information about most of the medicinal specialties that are currently marketed in the Argentine Republic.This App is exclusive for Pharmaceutical Manual subscriber users. Contact us at [email protected] to request your access code.It is very useful for the daily practice of doctors, pharmacists and the different professionals related to health.The application allows the search for medicinal products by different methods.- Search by Trade Name.- Search for Monodrug.- Search for Therapeutic Action.- Search by Laboratory.Once the product is selected, it will display the following information: - Suggested retail price of each presentation in pesos. - Effective date of the price. - If it is covered by PAMI, IOMA and SIFAR coverage.In turn, the MF vademecum is associated, also developed by GRUPO ALFA BETA, which provides the following information: laboratory, drugs, therapeutic classes, composition, therapeutic action, indications, dosage, presentations and ATC classification.